Win 2 Tickets To SoundYard With Destructo, Golf Clap b2b Codes, Cazztek b2b Rrotik & More!
Contest ended 5 years, 9 months ago
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SoundYard is making a comeback at Downtown Las Vegas Events Center with a line-up guaranteed to make your booty bounce. Come dance Saturday, June 22 to twelve hours of nonstop house music. The over-the-top lineup features DJ sets by Destructo, Golf Clap B2B Codes, Cazztek B2B Rrotik, Hotfire B2B Kendoll, Masteria, Type 3, Sebastian Knight, and many more! The party has grown so big that we've decided to curate some of the city's best food and throw in a custom 2,200-square-foot pool with a multi-level cabana deck. This is the comeback you've all been waiting for.

Must be 18+ to enter.

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